Fanfare! A Tease...

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
Just showing you proof of work from the imminent “Synopses, Book Proposals + Sell Sheets” seminar. Yes, folks, it’s ever-so-nearly ready! This is a monster of a seminar, I’ve rarely produced anything so challenging. My aim is to deliver radical new understandings and galvanizing insights into these areas which are so often (and so wrongly) considered to be immutable. My most pressing objective, though, is to furnish you with a wealth of practical tools to give you a competitive edge. You’ll be able to judge if I’ve succeeded… soon!
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I plan to start submitting my novel in early August. Should I hold fire?
Timings are a bit tricky, mostly because I’ve never attempted anything this long before. So I don’t know / can’t predict when the recording and editing will be done. I’d like to say “ten days” but that might be rash. However… publishing is traditionally quite quiet in August. I’d cautiously say, - yes, hold tight for another ten days or so. You shouldn’t lose any momentum if you do.
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