A Prank?

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
This is the busiest time of the year for me and I don’t have time to post this, but what the heck...

This guy phones me directly this morning. I’m already juggling tons of things, so only give partial attention, but this is how I roughly recall it...

HIM: I’m looking for an agent.

ME: Ok.

- Long Pause -

HIM: I’m 22.

ME: Ok.

HIM: I’ve written a book.

ME: Mmm.

HIM: It’s short.

ME: Ok.

HIM: Very short.

ME: Yep.

HIM: It doesn’t have any chapters.

ME: Right.

HIM: No chapters at all!

ME: (thinking I’m being pranked now...) Well who is it written for?

HIM: No-one in particular.

ME: Right.

There is a very long pause. He is clearly not going to say anything else.

ME: Hello?

HIM: Yes.

ME: Have you looked at our website?

HIM: No.

ME: Do you know tjhe address of our website?

HIM: No, but I’m quite capable of finding it.

ME: (I have to get on with my life now... and if I’m being pranked, I sure ain’t going to give YouTube more than I have already...) Just go to the website. Please. Goodbye!

Do let me know if you see/hear this somewhere...
From what you wrote, it does sound very suspicious. I'm glad it wasn't me. Last thing I want to do is upset an agent by bothering him.
Karen just asked via status update if I get a lot of phone pitches. Less than a few years ago, but still too many. I try to be polite but quick. Really, the only authors who can do this successfully are the Stephen Kings of this world. I wish!
This is the busiest time of the year for me and I don’t have time to post this, but what the heck...

This guy phones me directly this morning. I’m already juggling tons of things, so only give partial attention, but this is how I roughly recall it...

HIM: I’m looking for an agent.

ME: Ok.

- Long Pause -

HIM: I’m 22.

ME: Ok.

HIM: I’ve written a book.

ME: Mmm.

HIM: It’s short.

ME: Ok.

HIM: Very short.

ME: Yep.

HIM: It doesn’t have any chapters.

ME: Right.

HIM: No chapters at all!

ME: (thinking I’m being pranked now...) Well who is it written for?

HIM: No-one in particular.

ME: Right.

There is a very long pause. He is clearly not going to say anything else.

ME: Hello?

HIM: Yes.

ME: Have you looked at our website?

HIM: No.

ME: Do you know tjhe address of our website?

HIM: No, but I’m quite capable of finding it.

ME: (I have to get on with my life now... and if I’m being pranked, I sure ain’t going to give YouTube more than I have already...) Just go to the website. Please. Goodbye!

Do let me know if you see/hear this somewhere...
Oh goodie - after your cryptic status message earlier, I was hoping you'd post what the prank was :D
Sorry, wasn't trying to paint all spring chickens with the same fowlpox dip...or something ... [digging deeper] ... just trying to put myself in his head. Because when I was 22, I probably didn't have enough sense to do otherwise, frankly. But I can understand that most people would be less twittish. :oops:
Sorry, wasn't trying to paint all spring chickens with the same fowlpox dip...or something ... [digging deeper] ... just trying to put myself in his head. Because when I was 22, I probably didn't have enough sense to do otherwise, frankly. But I can understand that most people would be less twittish. :oops:
I forgive you :) At the risk of sounding arrogant, most around that age aren't that with-it. Most will just jump in and do the same that Peter's prankster did. I just happen to be disgustingly organized and can't bear to have my name associated with something like that, so I do gross amounts of research before I do anything.
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Cowflop dick is so much more poetic!
Fowlpox is a viral disease, IIRC, to which chickens are somewhat prone. Farm animals eg sheep are often dipped in liquid containing various pharmaceutical agents to prevent / cure disease. So I extrapolated. But in fact they use a vaccine for fowlpox, not a dip.
I wish you hadn't asked that question, coz now I feel silly. I meant to say cowflop dick, anyway.
Cake and beer, coming right up...

I think I missed my calling as a caterer ;)
Oh! Robinne, thank God! I can't seem to keep it together, here...:(:confused:
And not only is it Friday, but it's Spring! Tonight's pizza will have asparagus and artichokes on it from our own garden! Woohoo! (sorry, I can only gloat about my hemispherical advantage for half the year--gotta make the most of it while I can) And before you get too jealous, the pizza was made earlier in the week, and I will eat mine cold while sitting in the car waiting for my daughter at one of her many band rehearsals, as I do every Friday evening. No beer, either, as it's an hour's drive home afterwards.
Cold pizza > protein shake

Most definitely! I don't know how anyone drinks those protein shakes--blech! (no offense...I just prefer my food to be identifiable...the only people who drank those things back when I was your age were wrestlers).

Of course, when said pizza is eaten to the sound of 40 12-year-olds playing "Happy"...I don't know...starvation somewhere else might be preferable ;)
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