A Fabulous Opportunity

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Jul 26, 2018
Hi there, I am looking for people who would be interested in doing some narrations for Pop-Up Submissions... it's only 700 words! And is, as the title suggests: *A Fabulous Opportunity*, with all sorts of possibilities (New skills! Audiobooks! My unending appreciation! A bitta craic in the background...)

If you are interested, will you comment below or DM me? There's a small amount of learning to use editing software, but, if I could manage it, anyone can :) I will hold your hand and gently guide you through it!! Please, please, please and many thanks :shortcake:
A few more narrators joining our happy team (thanks, Emily, for running it so well and keeping it so friendly) would be terrific. I can guarantee you’ll enjoy it. And you choose what you want to narrate.

It will give you real insight into others’ writing (and often into the most common mistakes they make… so you’ll be able to avoid them in your own work). Several folk have had audiobook offers. You’ll learn about the art and tech of reading and recording… handy skills for writers to have!
Hi there, I am looking for people who would be interested in doing some narrations for Pop-Up Submissions... it's only 700 words! And is, as the title suggests: *A Fabulous Opportunity*, with all sorts of possibilities (New skills! Audiobooks! My unending appreciation! A bitta craic in the background...)

If you are interested, will you comment below or DM me? There's a small amount of learning to use editing software, but, if I could manage it, anyone can :) I will hold your hand and gently guide you through it!! Please, please, please and many thanks :shortcake:
Sounds interesting, do you need any particular experience? :)
Yes, we are. Or whatever editing software you like... but I find Audacity is the easiest.
Absolutely, Hannah! I don't have a soundproof room either ad recorded an entire Audiobook without (where I live is very quiet though). I have a fantastic mic (It's a long-term borrowing situation from my brother. He doesn't know about the long-term aspect yet) but it can be done on a phone either. Give it a try and see what you think. Audacity is GREAT fun, you'll see so many possibilities :)
Several folk have had audiobook offers.


Seriously, I tried to get into audio books and recording some years ago, which is why I had Audacity experience and recording tech in the first place. If anyone shows interest in my work, may I ask that they be directed to me? I'd love to give doing this professionally a shot, and the reaction of other Litopians makes me think it might not be wishful thinking after all. :)

Seriously, I tried to get into audio books and recording some years ago, which is why I had Audacity experience and recording tech in the first place. If anyone shows interest in my work, may I ask that they be directed to me? I'd love to give doing this professionally a shot, and the reaction of other Litopians makes me think it might not be wishful thinking after all. :)
@Lex Black get yerself a voice showreel with about 20 mins worth of material (various, 3 mins or so clips, from several authors - check industry standards of what's expected for a showreel), then send it to voice over agents. You might get other stuff, not just novels.
@Lex Black


UK agents will consider US voices I'm sure.

Not sure if you have anything like Spotlight in the US. So I suggest ask any actor's organisation where to find them, i.e. check the website of the Screen Actor's guild.

As with 'normal' acting, the usual applies. If they want money upfront, for anything, like a fee for listing on their site, or a registration or an admin fee, basically a fee to do anything on signing and before they give you work, don't touch them with a barge pole (or in your case, a jousting stick might be more appropriate) and run for the hills.

(Any acting tips or such, just shout. Happy to listen to your work and give you direction. Generally, most readers tend to be on the fast side when reading - I too am too speedy.)
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don't touch them with a barge pole (or in your case, a jousting stick might be more appropriate) and run for the hills.

(Any acting tips or such, just shout. Happy to listen to your work and give you direction. Generally, most readers tend to be on the fast side when reading - I too am too speedy.)
Don't worry. After my experience years and years ago with an "agent" who tricked me out of a small fortune for absolutely nothing, I'll use barge poles, jousting lances, telephone poles, large rodents and copious amount of FIRE on any agent that asks for money up front.

...am I reading too fast? That was actually an issue pointed out for me in a reading class I took years ago (I seriously have wanted to get into this for a long time!). Please let me know if I have pacing issues, I want to give Litopia the best possible product!
Don't worry. After my experience years and years ago with an "agent" who tricked me out of a small fortune for absolutely nothing, I'll use barge poles, jousting lances, telephone poles, large rodents and copious amount of FIRE on any agent that asks for money up front.

...am I reading too fast? That was actually an issue pointed out for me in a reading class I took years ago (I seriously have wanted to get into this for a long time!). Please let me know if I have pacing issues, I want to give Litopia the best possible product!
I thought your reading was bang on the money.
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