Fanfare! 75 Romances Milestone in RWA Publication

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Carol Rose

Sep 13, 2014
Indiana, USA
The RWA (Romance Writers of America) puts out a monthly publication called RWR - Romance Writers Report - and one of the things they list are milestones recognized by the organization for 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 published romances. You can combine pen names, and although I'm up to 86 now between the three names under which I have written/currently write, I received my 75 milestone recognition in the December 2016 RWR. :D Pretty cool, eh? Wonder how long it'll take me to reach 100? LOL!! :)

I can't upload the entire publication because it's too large of a PDF file, and you can't read it online unless you're an RWA member, so I made this little graphic from the publication itself. :) Thanks for letting me share! :)

RWR Dec 2016 milestones.png
Congrats! Can't imagine what it would be like to have 100 books behind me, but I'm sure you can do it!
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