
  1. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day If your heart is broken ....

    “If your heart is broken, make art with the pieces.” Shane Koyczan
  2. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break I'm Mad As Hell...

    So I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this any more. (*) In yesterday’s Huddle, I screen-shared someone’s work we were discussing. This is what came up at the top of my Word screen: Now I have no use for Copilot. I don’t like it, don’t trust it, don’t want it on my machine. And I...
  3. Jake E

    Craft Chat Recommendations needed

    Hi all, I'm looking for recommendations for a word processor program to replace MS Word. The spell check is frankly terrible, and it misses some really obvious things. All suggestions welcome J
  4. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break Another Software Company Reneges On Its Word…

    I don’t think we have too many people here who use FINAL DRAFT screenwriting software, but you never know. People who bought Final Draft version 10 on a perpetual license might expect it to work for… well - in perpetuity, right? No. For Final Draft, “perpetuity” apparently means eight years...
  5. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break There Must Be A Word For It…

    It’s happened twice in the past two days, which makes me think there must be, or ought to be, a word for it. Surely, it happens to most people? I receive a call from a number I recognise, someone who’s in my contacts list. Not the usual time for them to phone socially. So… might be important...
  6. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break Happy Holidays from Litopia, Here’s The Ant Game

    This year’s Xmas Writers' Huddle was one of the best on record (our regular Saturday Huddles are pedal-to-the-metal intense – we need to kick back once a year and have some fun). We thought those Litopians who could not attend might like to share one of the word games we played… The Ant Game...
  7. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day One false word, one extra word, and....

    One false word, one extra word, and somebody's thinking about how they have to buy paper towels at the store. Brevity is very important. If you're going to be longwinded, it should be for a purpose. Not just because you like your words. Patricia Marx
  8. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: Hurricanity

    New blog post by Jason L. – discussions in this thread, please --- I have to make a new word. This is not uncommon for me. Legiterally is now, officially, a thing. Coffeed is a passive verb that has long need to be in existence. I am still looking for one for accidentally on purpose and those...