
  1. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break Voting Is Open!

    After an unconscionable delay, our ONE PERFECT SENTENCE contest is now ready and waiting for you to vote… Remember, you can vote for as many entries as you like, but the magical software fairy will prevent you from voting for your own entries. That fairy’s a model of probity and rectitude, to be...
  2. AgentPete

    Service Update One Perfect Sentence Closes Soon – Enter & Vote!

    Just a reminder that this months inaugural One Perfect Sentence contest closes soon – you will find an exact countdown timer on the Colony’s home page, at the top of the right-hand column. The contest has been designed to be… Easy on your writing schedule – one sentence being less...
  3. AgentPete

    Service Update The One Perfect Sentence Contest Has Started…

    ...over here, in a new section. Have a go! It’s the antidote to all other writing contests (you’ll enjoy it a lot more!). So now it's started – you need to start to play around with the voting. Everyone so far has been awfully restrained and hasn’t voted… that’s got to change! I did say in the...