
  1. Sarit

    Dandelion Break Celebrating rejections ;-)

    So I thought I'd share with you this wonderful rejection I received this morning from an agent. This is completely mind boggling to me coming from the screenwriting world where screenwriters are ghosted, ignored or worst threatened with legal action for querying... Dear Sarit, I'm so sorry it...
  2. AgentPete

    Service Update Stop Querying & Start Pitching

    I’m delighted to announce that the seminar we recorded with Litopian and consultant to the global technology investment community Ed Simnett is now live in our seminars section: https://litopia.com/courses/stop-querying-start-pitching/ All our seminars are free to Full Members - so if you're not...
  3. Katie-Ellen

    Finding the right agent. Tried this approach?

    Just seen on twitter. 'I need an agent for my second book. My first book is - (title inserted with link) Please email me.' I guess it might hinge on that inserted first title. 285 tweets Following 25 accounts Followed by 5 accounts.