This week's Huddle will take place on Saturday as usual at 5.00pm UK time (GMT).
As ever, you are invited to submit your WiPs for discussion and feedback from Pete and the collective. But not only WiPs. Query letters, book proposals, synopses and blurbs are all welcome. Also, anything you've...
New blog post by Claire G
Finding a Literary Agent
If you want to be traditionally published, the chances are that you’ll need a literary agent. Their job is to sell your book to a publishing house and manage the ‘business’ side of things for the author, including contracts and royalties, and...
In my experience the advice about the dreaded "comp titles" you need for your query letter usually comes with a number of "must does" including to only pick books that sold well. I've never heard any useful follow on how to do that.
One thing you can do for free, if you are prepared to open a...
So here's a funny story...I accidentally submitted a query to an agent today.
A lot of times, when I get bored, I'll go looking for agents that I would like to eventually represent my stories/books. I'll do lots of research on the agent and put together something to submit to them. I have an...
I found a wonderful article on querying agents. Basically, querying is a long game. She advises not to give up until you've queried 80-100 agents. You have to stick with it to see results. Don't get discouraged early on; keep trekking. :)...
We've talked *a lot* on here about query letters and following the rules. Some didn't necessarily agree with following the rules because it doesn't let you stand out. Straight from a very prominent lit agent's blog, here's why you should...
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