
  1. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! parts 16 – 18

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart – discussions in this thread, please --- I was cracking on with my stupidly self-imposed lockdown challenge to read The Complete Works of Shakespeare. I’d met a few Henry’s now, and although I knew one of them was meant to be rousing stuff, I had no clue which...
  2. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! parts 9 – 10

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart – discussions in this thread, please --- In my quest to read all of Shakespeare from start to finish, I finally made it to plays that I’d heard about and seen on the telly. I rubbed my hands in glee at what awaited me. Cover your eyes, I told Spock, it’s gonna be...
  3. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: WTF, Will! parts 5 – 8

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart – discussions in this thread, please --- Full of enthusiasm for my lockdown project of reading The Complete Works of Shakespeare, I wandered blindly on to play number 5. Some time later I stumbled back out, wondering if there’s any wriggle-room on those do not...