
  1. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day “Children, only animals live entirely in the....

    “Children, only animals live entirely in the Here and Now. Only nature knows neither memory nor history. But man - let me offer you a definition - is the storytelling animal. Wherever he goes he wants to leave behind not a chaotic wake, not an empty space, but the comforting marker-buoys and...
  2. Katie-Ellen

    Poetry The Why of Winter

    The Why of Winter Sirius hard on The Hunter’s heels A stoat in ermine gains the field Blackthorn points the ancient tracks of hidden beasts and crack-bone feasts Skies of steel or sugared fire Say resting time for sap-sunk trees And earthed in dens The fox and badger rest at ease Oak...
  3. Katie-Ellen

    Dandelion Break A Robin's Seasonal Tarot Tale

    Yuletide greetings. Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. Tarot lends itself to a form of animal whispering, at least to an extent. There are many depictions of animals and birds in the Tarot. This is as it should be, and they form a great part of the human landscape and psyche physically...
  4. Laura Lee

    Nature as inspiration?

    Hello, writers! I missed this site. Just back from the great Rocky Mountains in Colorado. My first time seeing mountains. My first time dealing with major ALTITUDE sickness (9000 feet elevation!). My first time without the internet or TV in a long time. I did not write poetry because I was...