
  1. Mel L

    News Read before submitting to Narrative Magazine

    This from Authors Publish: Narrative Magazine, which has published many respected and established authors and already has a substantial general submission fee ($23), announced the finalists of their 2024 Fall Story contest. They hold a story contest three times a year, once for each season...
  2. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg?

    New blog post by Claire G What Came First, the Chicken or the Egg? Bear With Me! Okay, this is probably a weird analogy but this is how my (bird-brained!) mind works. So, in terms of the title question, I’ve thought long and hard about this and, with my limited scientific knowledge, I’ve...
  3. Aethalope

    Help Please! A Question about Tenses

    Hello Litopians, I would like to pick your brains. By the way, I am not sure if this is the right thread. I am not quite ready to set up a whole project in the Lab, and it's kind of a general question. However, do please let me know if I'm in the wrong place. It's about tenses. My WIP uses a...
  4. JamieRae

    Help Please! Pulling back focus to core narrative when expanding a flash piece to a short story!

    Hello! Some of you were lovely enough to critique a 700 word flash piece I did recently. Along with the incredible feedback from yourselves and others, and a desire to expand it to a 2-3k short story, I am struggling with keeping the essence of the story in while trying to expand it out. I've...