
  1. Mel L

    News Hmmm...

    OpenAI whistleblower found dead in San Francisco apartment
  2. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: In The Pines

    New blog post by Pamela Jo – discussions in this thread, please --- “The werewolf’s bride is late.” The words echoing in my head were spoken by a black horse. With a toss of its mane, the horse became a giant bird with wings like grey shrouds. The thing’s eyes remained yellow. As drunkard’s...
  3. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day The best time forplanning a book is....

    “The best time for planning a book is while you’re doing the dishes.” Agatha Christie
  4. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break The Black Spot

    It’s many a year since I read Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island as a wide-eyed child. But this morning, it came back in full force. Sitting in an Iranian (maybe) cafe nursing a couple of espressos. A bright and breezy day in the English coastal town of Hastings. The vibe is...
  5. Patricia D

    Fanfare! "Unstrung Quartet" short story to be published.

    My short story, Unstrung Quartet, is among those chosen for inclusion in Snowbound, Level Best Books 2017 best New England crime stories anthology. I'm tickled pink to be in such esteemed company. Snowbound will be released at New England Crime Bake, which takes place November 10th – 12th in...