
  1. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat TWM 2-fer Day. Revising-learning to love it
  2. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and.....

    “Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmastime.” Laura Ingalls Wilder
  3. Claire G

    Craft Chat For the Love of Language

    I just came across a phrase that I love and I thought I'd start a thread where we can share our favourite examples of language at its finest, whether because it's beautiful, humorous, quirky, figurative...whatever! The phrase was: peppering with questions I also love: mad as a box of frogs...
  4. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Take stock of your thoughts and....

    Take stock of your thoughts and behavior. Each night ask yourself, when were you negative when you could have been positive? When did you withhold love when you might have given it? When did you play a neurotic game instead of behaving in a powerful way? Use this process to self-correct...
  5. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Love is not a.....

    “Love is not a feeling. It's an ability.” Peter Hedges