New blog post by Mel L
Let it snow!
I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find it.
It wasn’t in the jumble of decorations packed away from last year. Nor in the Advent calendar hanging by the stairs. It wasn’t in the recipe file with its pink index cards graced by my mother’s slanted script...
New blog post by mickleinapickle
Don’t Call On Me
Cold winds blow through city streets
as winter’s grip takes hold
and grey souls in downbeat worlds
retreat to lies untold.
Rain-lashed pavements now are bare,
the forecast speaks of snow,
but in grim northern climates
an oasis starts...
New blog post by Laura Rikono
The Unexpected Pantomime
Deep in tribal territory in Jharkhand, India, three schools — one by a road, one in a forest, and one on a hill — hosted eight development education interns from around the world. We were there to learn and teach, but mostly to bridge...
Globe Player | Shakespeare's Globe | Watch On-demand. 60 pounds sterling for a year...
More variety, but more expensive Start exploring National Theatre at Home. 115 euros a year
Mostly free MoLI Christmas Ghost Story | RadioMoLI
Messy Nessy Chic. If yu are avoiding the news but...
A cheery note for aspiring trad-published writers. The market may well be increasingly fragmented but
there is hope!
New blog post by Pamela Jo
Christmas Eve in the Graveyard
Four-year-old Hugh wanted to be a villain. This puzzled my son Jack. If they played Star Wars, it was Luke vs Darth Vader, which made a convenient pairing since neither had to battle against an imaginary adversary. Nevertheless, Jack...
New blog post by Claire G
A Christmas Reflection
If you read my Christmas Snippets post, you’ll be aware that I suffered a psychotic episode in 2019. This was followed by a long period of anxiety and depression. In 2020, my mind couldn’t take any more. It shut down, and I left my family home...
New blog post by Claire G – discussions in this thread, please
Port and Lemon and Dirty Jokes
My nan was the type of woman who couldn’t walk to the shop without stopping at least three times along the way to chat to someone she knew. She used to play a card game called Stop the Bus with me...
Hi! I'm Jason, the MC for the 2024 Christmas party. I have some great games lined up, but you know who I need? YOU!
There were many people who did some great Christmas games last year, and I want to bring together the community to do that again. You can take over that part, OR you can hand it...
New blog post by Rachel McCarron – discussions in this thread, please
I don’t want to bring you down, but Christmas isn’t always fun for me. It’s a difficult time for a lot of people. The pressure is on to have a good time, but it’s not easy. The ideal of family around the table in a...
New blog post by Claire G – discussions in this thread, please
When I was eight years old, I auditioned for a part in my school’s Christmas play, Christmas is Cancelled! Despite being a shy child, I loved singing and role-playing and my timidity was overridden by the thought of getting to...
New blog post by Claire G – discussions in this thread, please
The Long and Short of It
I enjoy writing short stories, which is a complete one-eighty compared to how I used to feel. I used to wonder how an author could convey so much meaning in so few words. It took practice and the...
Writing friends of Litopia, near and far, new and, erm, old/er.
Thank you for all the fun and your good company. Wishing you health and happiness in 2022. May the Muse be with you, and your writing prosper.
“Christmas gift suggestions: to your enemy, forgiveness. To an opponent, tolerance. To a friend, your heart. To a customer, service. To all, charity. To every child, a good example. To yourself, respect.”
Oren Arnold
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