
  1. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat Date with an Agent contest

    I find this one a little expensive BUT the sarnies WERE nice. And you get a free years admission to the FB based You do have to be able get to Dublin on May 17. Deadline april 4. First 1500 words, 500 w synopsis, 200 w bio
  2. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Traditions are just ...

    “Traditions are just peer pressure from dead people.” Eliot Schrefer
  3. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break Owl Boxing

    Got the owl box up this morning :)
  4. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Never let a good....

    “Never let a good crisis go to waste''. Winston Churchill
  5. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: Detritus in Paradise

    New blog post by mickleinapickle Detritus in Paradise Thinking back to January 2021… I was feeling rather stodgy after Christmas excess, and Mrs. Treaclechops had a touch of winter blues, so we decided on a stroll along Wychall Reservoir in south Birmingham. It was a mild 10℃ with a sky of...
  6. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat The One Mistake Instantly Kills Your story

  7. wrightstuff

    News Seasonal Story

  8. Pamela Jo

    News Bruce the Book Banner

  9. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day The greatest enemy of knowledge is....

    The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. Stephen Hawking
  10. Barbara

    Dandelion Break Some days, I'm all dolphin

    There are times I can't get a word to paper. Now I know why: on those days, I've turned into a dolphin.
  11. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat Writing contest magazine?

    This did look like an interesting site. Substack. This month the deadline is tomorrow-but regular contests...
  12. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: Fright Night

    New blog post by mickleinapickle – discussions in this thread, please --- Bert and Harry had met at the ‘Hunter’s Moon’ village pub every Wednesday night at 7 pm for the last 15 years. Both now suffered from ‘old man’s bladder’, and restricted themselves to two pints each. Harry, being the more...
  13. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat A Discussion of Exposition

  14. Pamela Jo

    News 13 Days for a Horror Challenge
  15. T

    Dandelion Break This is a test post please ignore

    Seriously, just ignore this, it will disappear soon...
  16. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break The Black Spot

    It’s many a year since I read Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island as a wide-eyed child. But this morning, it came back in full force. Sitting in an Iranian (maybe) cafe nursing a couple of espressos. A bright and breezy day in the English coastal town of Hastings. The vibe is...
  17. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: 8. The Scots Invade Italy

    New blog post by Eva Ulian – discussions in this thread, please --- The 28 Delegates from Earlston in Scotland here on their annual twinning visit with Cappella Maggiore attended Mass at a local church in Anzano. Fr Mario wanted to say a few words of welcome to them in English and then would...