
  1. Lawal

    2017 #SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (August-November)

    Scroll to view the gallery - AUGUST - - SEPTEMBER - - OCTOBER - - NOVEMBER - More amazing galleries of excerpts We stay connected on BBM. That will be cool! BBM: 3357BFB8 Smart Quotations Smart Bank Poetry
  2. Lawal

    2017 SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (April-July)

    Scroll to view the gallery - APRIL - - MAY - - JUNE - DAVID NEWRICK won June Flash Club contest, and SmartBankPoetry awaits to see through his writing to extract an excellently exploring excerpt. SmartBankPoetry captures his remarkably ruling runner-up, Katie-Ellen Hazeldine. Here...
  3. Lawal

    2017 SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (April-July)

    Scroll to view the gallery - APRIL - - MAY - - JUNE - DAVID NEWRICK won June Flash Club contest and SmartBankPoetry awaits to see his writing to extract an excellently exploring excerpt. SmartBankPoetry captures his remarkably ruling runner-up, Katie-Ellen Hazeldine. Here: -...
  4. Lawal

    2017 #SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (February-April)

    Scroll to view the gallery - FEBRUARY - - MARCH - - APRIL - More amazing galleries of excerpts We stay connected on BBM. That will be cool! BBM: 3357BFB8 Smart Quotations Smart Bank Poetry
  5. Lawal

    2017 #SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club (January-February)

    For a second year, SmartBankPoetry goes beyond the fictions to bring you 2017 #SmartBankPoetry Collections: Winning Excerpts from the Litopian Flash Club to #LoveWriting, a celebration of this planet of writers and the joy of writers being acknowledged. Here's what we collected. Scroll to view...
  6. Quillwitch

    Craft Chat The synopsis thing again. Info worth reading

    How to Write a One Page Synopsis How to Write a One Page Synopsis synopsis noun syn·op·sis \sə-ˈnäp-səs\ a short description of the most important information about something : a summary or outline For the first stage of the competition, we ask for one-page synopsis of your novel along with...