
  1. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day The art of writing is the art of....

    “The art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.” Mary Heaton Vorse
  2. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day It takes a long time to....

    It takes a long time to become young. Pablo Picasso
  3. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day They always come for those who....

    They always come for those who create art, because art sustains the soul of all people, whether they know it or not, just as food sustains the body. And totalitarianism cannot survive where the soul of a people is uncrushed. Tom Hirons
  4. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day When you've got it....

    When you’ve got it, you’ve got it. When you haven’t, you begin again. All the rest is humbug. Edouard Manet
  5. Paul Whybrow

    Thought for the Day Every act of creation is....

    “Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.” Pablo Picasso
  6. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: It’s Art if I say so

    New blog post by Vagabond Heart – discussions in this thread, please --- Marcel Duchamp said this: it’s art if I say so. He’s the guy who stuck a urinal on the wall and called it ‘Fountain’. And ever since he did that, the art world swivelled on its axis and became a place where apparently...