
  1. Katie-Ellen

    Craft Chat This Fathers Day, All Hail The Emperor (and a bit of Tarot writing chat)

    This Fathers Day, let’s introduce the ultimate Tarot card of the principle of Masculinity with a capital ‘M’, The Emperor. But first let's set the scene for anyone not familiar with the Tarot, and its potential as a resource for writers. The Tarot deck is a story book and every one of the 78...
  2. Katie-Ellen

    Rabbit, Rabbit...

    "We got more rabbit than Sainsbury's" - well, writers, innit. The Chinese Year of the Rabbit (兔年 tùnián) Celebrated this new year throughout the Far East, we enter the Year of the Rabbit. This is a year of the black rabbit. Black represents the element of water in Chinese astrology. The...