I submitted a few times before I was fully informed about it. Got an honorable mention once. I'm vague on how connected to it he is apart from it using his name.
So, this is a cool project brought to life by Andy Peloquin, who is fairly well-known in the indie author community.
Essentially, it's a website that lists every author's complete bibliography and gives readers a chance to add them to their "TBR" or "Already Read" piles (with customizable...
I was not taught grammar in school. It was dropped from the Australian school curriculum before I started; they thought we would learn it by osmosis. (Spoiler: you don't.) Having to learn it all as an adult has been a slow and steady grind. I wrote a blog about it with some grammar hacks that I...
Every year or so Jane Friedman releases a handy chart that compares all the different pros and cons of the various publishing routes (trad and non-trad, including hybrid). It's well worth a read, even just to catch up on the state of the industry.
So my surprise news last week was The Rarkyn's Fall and A Night So Dark And Full Of Stars were longlisted for the British Science Fiction Association Awards. An anthology I'm part of was also longlisted (Cursed Shards: Tales of Dark Folklore). Given I'm in New Zealand, I didn't even realise I...
Here's mine in no particular order of importance (just what came to me first):
1. You and your editor will edit the book to within an inch of its life. You will then hand it over to your proofreader confident they won't find much. Proofreader will then find over 100 typos, grammar errors...
Put my big girl pants on today and requested my rights back early. Now to wait and see. If anyone would like a copy of the letter I sent I am happy to provide it.
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