Recent content by emmakatherine

  1. emmakatherine

    Character Names

    I love naming characters! One of my favourite things about writing. My current main character is named Sylvia Valentine and her sister is named Vivien; I have synaesthesia and both of those names are like mauve velvet to me. Fun fact: I used to want to name my future daughter Sylvia Valentine!
  2. emmakatherine

    How much does the weather feature in your stories?

    I use it regularly to create atmosphere.
  3. emmakatherine

    Who Do You Write Like?

    Oh God, according to that app I write like Stephenie Meyer. Not my favourite author...
  4. emmakatherine

    Care to share your how-to´s?

    I have a spreadsheet on which I have put weekly goals for working on certain chapters. I don't feel like I'm following it very well though!
  5. emmakatherine

    Decorum (featured on pop-up submissions 11.3.18)

    Ah ok got it! Thanks.
  6. emmakatherine

    Decorum (featured on pop-up submissions 11.3.18)

    Thank you so much! I am currently looking for some advice on the manuscript so if you have any thoughts, please let me know :)
  7. emmakatherine

    Decorum (featured on pop-up submissions 11.3.18)

    Hi all, I am the writer of 'Decorum' and I wanted to let you know I am indeed on Litopia! I wanted to thank Peter (and the other commenters) for your kind words about Decorum. I have made notes on the video and hope to improve based on these. Also, I love the term 'futuristic rococo'! :D...
  8. emmakatherine


    Thanks everyone :)
  9. emmakatherine


    Hi everyone! My name is Emma Cheetham and I am the writer of 'Decorum', a YA dystopian novel which is currently being considered by agents (fingers crossed!). I can be found on Twitter as emma_katherine__, on Instagram as emma_katherine and on Wattpad as (guess what!) emma_katherine__. I also...