We need.... votes!

Help Please! Pop Ups 7 August


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Full Member
Jul 26, 2018
Please, please vote in our July Flash Fiction contest, we've a rather muddled tie at the moment, and we need your votes!!!

You have until Sunday to vote HERE. Please and thank you :) *kisses* *cake* *beverage of choice*
Oh yes. And Litopians are also known for writers who SIT on cakes. Yes, you read right. A certain Litopian once put her bottom on a cake, or at least that's what I'm convinced that she did. I didn't believe her 'oh the cake just got squashed on the plane' explanation. I think she was secretly trying to see what life would be like as a cake topper, wasn't she, @Emily.
Oh yes. And Litopians are also known for writers who SIT on cakes. Yes, you read right. A certain Litopian once put her bottom on a cake, or at least that's what I'm convinced that she did. I didn't believe her 'oh the cake just got squashed on the plane' explanation. I think she was secretly trying to see what life would be like as a cake topper, wasn't she, @Emily.
women. bottoms. cakes. all I need to hear is her story, and then editing...
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Help Please! Pop Ups 7 August

