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Fanfare! Submission Gong

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Feb 27, 2015
I thought we should have a separate celebratory submissions gong as inspired by @Jason Byrne 's rejection bell thread.

So I will begin by celebrating with you my second publisher submission. GONG!

I have still not submitted to an agent yet - hoping to partly have some leverage if a publisher bites.
But for now all the motivation I have had from this group has spurred me to show off more, I mean announce milestones as and when they happen. Will you join me?

I think this is a good idea. I would also do the same as you if there were some Fantasy publishers out there that accepted direct submissions. They are few and far between. But that doesn't mean I won't keep looking ;) So for now, I will ding that GONG for the David Fickling submission I did x
Wishing you all the best of luck, ye who ding the dong! Oops o_O. I'm currently re-writing my ms atm, and not submitting until it flows a lot smoother. I shall be giving a dong before the year is out, well, that's my intention.

Thanks and good luck with your goals. I think it's nice to remind each other that it is a full time business writing (if we can do it) and it is motivating when the gong is struck ;) .. I hope.
I think this is a good idea. I would also do the same as you if there were some Fantasy publishers out there that accepted direct submissions. They are few and far between. But that doesn't mean I won't keep looking ;) So for now, I will ding that GONG for the David Fickling submission I did x

There's a challenge right there...I love a challenge. And yes David Fickling submission was my first ever submission...ever.

Today's submission is a bit more modest but they have experience with respect to card games too. So maybe apt. Who knows where this road may go.
There's a challenge right there...I love a challenge. And yes David Fickling submission was my first ever submission...ever.

Today's submission is a bit more modest but they have experience with respect to card games too. So maybe apt. Who knows where this road may go.
Lets hope it goes in the right direction :)
I've been up since 4 today and for the first time started the day writing. Sleep is now a luxury for a while. Managed a mere 200 words. Highlighted many other sacrifice-ready paragraphs or rewrites. Hoping it will be ready to a special first agent. Oh look it's like a first date.
Way to go Emurelda and Karen! I made one publisher submission, against thirty-nine agent submissions, but my plan is to enlist an agent encourage him or her to target major publishing houses, which I certainly won't get on my own, so I have to continue thus.

I can't be trusted with gongs. It's too tempting... to...

Okay no one's looking NOW!

I'm thinking I'm going to "lunch" on the self-publishing thing, as the American children were so fond of saying in the 1980s, and find out I missed a valuable opportunity.
Well, I'm of the opinion that my series is considered too big of a risk and likely it will end up my only option. Will keep the gongs going though, hopefully I will get a bite over this next year, if not I'll publish book 1 myself then.
@David Steele. All my submissions are long distance ones (Hurray for the electronic age! I remember having to submit via snail mail from Panama...took weeks just for the submissions to get there (and that was after the half-day trip to the city to find a post office)). The number of literary agents in NZ can be counted on one hand, with fingers to spare, and the Ozzy ones are singularly uninviting. I've mostly queried US agents, but have a few Canadian and European ones lined up for the next barrage.
Where-ever you can get an agent and a publisher is good enough. From there you can go upwards of-course. Very few agents refuse to accept authors from o/s, but if they do, they say so. Now, send out a dozen or more synopsis /es er, /si, or whatever the plural is and write write and write right ;)
Not at all! Though I have to say I am so short sighted that I'm pretty much blind without my glasses so... yeah... maybe pmsl!
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