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Poetry Sunflowers

The World Between the Words
Sunflower stands and tracks the sun
From Dawn until Apollo's Gone
Towards his light, her body leant
In upward focus, still, intent
A patient and a hopeful eye
In adoration of the sky

Alone she stands in fields of fellowship
Her hands oustretched yet with no strength to grip
With countless other suns of gold
Their arms outstretched for light's sure hold
And rich with cargo, every one
Built strong with sugar from the sun

They are etched with frosts and winds of loss
But comfort comes with Hesperus
The Evening Star's deliverance
The faintest and the farthest star
Still fires a shining phoenix on afar
And ancient suns long cold and gone
Still say your story isn't done.

-Katie-Ellen Hazeldine


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