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    Some Colonists pop in religiously every day before or after work. Others we see here less regularly, but all are equally welcome. Two important grounds rules…

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Stuart Kay

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Capo Famiglia
Full Member
May 19, 2014
London UK
This is a post of record concerning someone who has recently been removed from the Colony. Removing a member is something we only do as a last resort, and we do not normally post something such as this after the event.

However, the person describing himself as Stuart Kay has made a number of threats, quoted below. Mr. Kay became active in the Colony only recently and described himself as a publisher of significance, although I have been unable to verify this. His posts and Conversations made it clear that he was not able to accept the basic ethos of Litopia as explaining in our Terms and Conditions and in the Prime Directive. Reluctantly, we decided to terminate Mr. Kay’s membership and issue him with a full refund.

On notification of his membership’s termination, Mr. Kay made the following threats.

If anyone is in receipt of messages from Mr. Kay or someone who is behaving in the way Mr. Kay describes, please let us know via private message.

This thread is locked.


Statements Made From Account “Stuart Kay”

“You've treated me like shit, if you'll pardon the expression, and most of it has hit the fan and will come back at you. I'm even giving you a warning of my own. I will rejoin, under whatever name I choose to use at the time, with a credit card payment that doesn't bear my real name. I use a VPN so you won't know where I'm based, and I may join as a man or as a woman.”

“Whenever you get a new member, you won't know if it's me. So you will need to institute some sort of screening process, which could be very disruptive and deter new members, who, when they have joined, I will target with a rundown of my unpleastant experience as one of your serfs. Probably I will give myself away with my comments comments, some of which may reflect on you and the other two hanging judges. I can't predict what I will say. But when you find me out, and ban me anew, I may, after a suitable period of time, rejoin under another identity. If it costs me a hundred pounds a time, believe me, that won't deter me in the slightest.”

“Now your turn is coming up and there's nothing you can do about it.”

“If in the end you manage to find a way to stop me from rejoining, so be it. But the fact that I have caused you some inconvenience will give me some small satisfaction for your treatment of me.”

“study your new members carefully. I might be there next week, next month, or next year.”

“Stuart Kay (and you don't even know if that's my real name - ha, ha!)”.
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