Writing Cross-Genre Novels: Trends, Marketing & Insights
Are cross-genre novels viable? Let's talk about mixing genres and how authors can find success broadening their horizons.
Tory contempt for the arts means we face a second dark age | Stewart Lee
Proposed cuts to English lit courses are symptomatic of the Conservatives’ ignorance of culture and disregard for ordinary people’s access to it
Dr Zhivago’s heroine takes centre stage in plagiarism row. Pete's mentioned this. She's lucky her publisher is picking up the costs. Why that clause in your contract is important. I passed on this book, though I liked the premise because it was really sold as non fiction and only in deciphering the small print did I see it was meant to be historical fiction. I have never liked that ruse. Like Dan Brown ripping off other people's research and hard work. That story is never as good as the true story.
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