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Fanfare! Publication Day

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Apr 4, 2018
Hi all, I'm a day late in posting this as yesterday was the publication day for Buttercup Sunshine, my zombie horror-fest for younger readers. I decided not to have a book launch for this and never really told anyone why. Anyway, did a Youtube blog, had a couple of false starts trying to sound upbeat and positive, then started over. This time, I just let the camera roll and went for it without a plan. I was going to delete what came out, but then I thought about what a book launch should really be about - essentially, the honest story of how the book came about.

I'm doing a few vids to build up to NaNoWriMo after this (I think all writers, published or not should have a go at NaNo, even if, like me, you crash after seven days :) ), so if you want to catch them, hit the subscribe button.

Keep writing everyone. Keep the words flowing.

God bless Matthew. That's so lovely, Colin, and so wise, that there is an unexplored readership niche here, and that as a story teller you can still be writing for Matthew in writing for other young people who might enjoy the same things he liked. I'll go and check it out.
Awesome! I like the tiny lamp and the minimalist look to your work area. I like the covers. You're very upbeat and compelling in the video. I imagine you do miss him a lot. I'm sorry. I imagine lots of things won't ever be the same.

I don't know if you're interested but a local group is doing an anthology where all the protagonists are disabled and heroes. This is the link:

Disabled Heroes

I like movie references but it's true that I don't always get them. I get how you could put them in there for fun.
@Amber said - I like the covers

Me too. Is there a sample people could look at before buying, Colin...as with the Amazon 'Look Inside' option?
That's fantastic Colin, congratulations! I know my kids would love Buttercup Sunshine (ticks all the boxes! And my older boys read a lot to the younger ones and will greatly appreciate the movie references and jokes) I have it down on our Christmas-books list, looking forward to having a read myself :)

RIP Matthew, I cannot imagine how difficult that must be.
Thanks all, kind words. It's a tough decision - I don't want to use my son's death as a promotional tool, because that feels horrible, but at the same time it's difficult to talk about the book without Matthew.
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