How To Start Blogging on Litopia

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I’m delighted to announce the launch of Litopia’s very own blogging platform. And I think you’re going to like it...

For writers, maintaining a blog has always been a double-edged sword. Yes… writers must write… in the same way as fish have to swim… I suspect it’s in their DNA. Therefore, writing a blog ought to be an enjoyable activity. And of course, we’ve all been told that if you want to be a commercially-successful writer and build your readership, then you should maintain a blog as part of your public profile.

Yet therein lies the problem. Whether you blog independently on your own website, or whether you use a third party platform, there’s constant pressure to keep your content fresh. A blog bereft of new posts for more than a week or so looks awfully abandoned.

Pretty soon, writing regular blog posts becomes an obligation rather than a pleasure.

We’ve solved that problem by creating what is effectively a collective blog for the whole of Litopia.

With a group of talented writers contributing a wide range of diverse material, the pressure on each individual writer to maintain a remorseless output of new posts is gone. You can write a new post whenever you feel like it... bringing the fun back to writing blog posts again!
  • Each writer has their own home page featuring: an author photo, a mini-bio, links to all other social media, jacket pictures of published books together with buy links, and a way for readers (and maybe publishers) to get in touch.
  • Every post you make will be promoted on Litopia’s front page ( and featured on Litopia’s own social media. It will also be cross-posted to Café Life here in the Colony for other Litopians to read and discuss.
I’m very excited to bring you this latest innovation from Litopia. Once again, we’re leading the field in supporting writers at every stage of their writing lives.

How To Apply​

Any member who has posted over 50 messages inside the Colony may apply to start blogging. You can check your message count on your profile page.
If you qualify, send me a message and we’ll take it from there.
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