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Book Club 18 November 2023 @ 8 PM GMT: Andy Weir - Project Hail Mary

Litopia's Book Club for everyone... We meet on Zoom

Jason L.

Full Member
Jun 22, 2022
Seminole, FL
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Topic: 18 November: Andy Weir - Project Hail Mary
Time: Nov 18, 2023 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 820 8188 1167
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Join us to discuss this book, this time hosted by Lyse!

Jason Locke is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: 18 November: Andy Weir - Project Hail Mary
Time: Nov 18, 2023 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 820 8188 1167
So sorry I couldn't join the discussion today. I'm at the Kauai Writers Conference (just a short canoe ride to another island). I enjoyed the book, and look forward to next month's discussion.

I pitched an agent here and she said send her the first 50 pages. I have two upcoming critiques of my opening two chapters; we'll see how that goes. Aloha.
@James Charles Turns out we postponed by a week. So hopefully you can come next weekend?

@Jason, I do have just one question (more of a discussion point), which is kind of something I've been thinking about in general.

Did you find Ryland Grace's reactions to what he was experiencing realistic?

Looking forward to the discussion!

Oh, also I had an idea @Jason L. - maybe we could put the Book Club dates in the Litopia Calendar? Might help remind everyone when it is.
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@James Charles Turns out we postponed by a week. So hopefully you can come next weekend?

@Jason, I do have just one question (more of a discussion point), which is kind of something I've been thinking about in general.

Did you find Ryland Grace's reactions to what he was experiencing realistic?

Looking forward to the discussion! :)
Oh good!
SPOILER ALERT! DO NOT READ ON if you have not read the book yet. :)

“Good. Proud. I am scary space monster. You are leaky space blob.”

“Fist my bump.”

“I've gone from "sole-surviving space explorer" to "guy with a wacky new roommate." It'll be interesting to see how this plays out.”

“Light is a funny thing. Its wavelength defines what it can and can’t interact with. Anything smaller than the wavelength is functionally nonexistent to that photon. That’s why there’s a mesh over the window of a microwave. The holes in the mesh are too small for microwaves to pass through. But visible light, with a much shorter wavelength, can go through freely. So you get to watch your food cook without melting your face off.”

"You are...' he squeaks. 'You...' he squeaks again. 'You are here!' - (yeah, this one really gets me....)

For these and other quotes from Project Hail Mary:
Project Hail Mary Quotes (50 quotes) - these are longer, but the real gut punchers. :)
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Really? I thought it was very important not to look inside a microwave when the door's open and the light is on. That's why I've positioned mine so I have to reach up to arm's length to put the food in it.
Started listening on Audible. Very interested in what everyone has to say. I'm just impressed by the opening. It seems very engineer-thinking to me. First I identify the problem. "Must import much exposition in short time while creating sympathetic character." OK here is the solution. Done.
Thanks Lyse - and everyone - for a great BC today. It was great hearing what others thought of PHM. I learned a lot. I hope I was able to contribute something meaningful to the discussion this time 'round.

I really want to submit a couple of recs for next year's BC. I'm in the middle of The Bluest Eye and it's really depressing, but so well written.. I finished Lawn Boy and related to the MC waaay more than I thought I could. Both have been banned in some US school libraries. I can see how they'd be too much for lower grades - but high school? Antigone wasn't much worse.