
  1. R

    Help Please! Submissions

    Hey everyone! I hope this is the right place to ask: How can I submit my YA Paranormal Thriller to Redhammer? Thank you.
  2. Trey

    Fanfare! Honorable mention day today!

    Delighted to share that my thriller (one of three WIPS) Redacted has an Honourable mention in Aug 24's Gutsy Great Novelist's One Page Prize.
  3. Katie-Ellen

    Novel To Screen; Louise Doughty...

    ...Talks about writing, the possible dusting down of earlier works post- breakthrough, and the new expectation on a writer (a burden of expectation?) that once a work has been televised, so will their next book be. Apple Tree Yard I watched it before I read the novel. And the TV drama was...