
  1. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat Boldwood, digital publisher acquires German partnership

    An alternative to Bookature SUBMISSIONS WE ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED FOR SUBMISSIONS. Please follow us on social media where we will announce when we re-open. Our Offering You will partner with an experienced team of editors who have between them worked across the best commercial fiction houses...
  2. Jonny

    The Huddle Huddle March 22nd - 5.00pm UK time (GMT)

    Hi Litopians, This week's Huddle will take place on Saturday as usual at 5.00pm UK time (GMT). As ever, you are invited to submit your WiPs for discussion and feedback from Pete and the collective. But not only WiPs. Query letters, book proposals, synopses and blurbs are all welcome. Also...
  3. Pamela Jo

    News Poets/Short Storyists-comps for you
  4. Mel L

    News Read before submitting to Narrative Magazine

    This from Authors Publish: Narrative Magazine, which has published many respected and established authors and already has a substantial general submission fee ($23), announced the finalists of their 2024 Fall Story contest. They hold a story contest three times a year, once for each season...
  5. L

    Welcome… I’m New Here! Pop Up Submissions

    Hi all, I'm brand new here and have joined because I am interested in entering Pop-Up Submissions. I don't see any information about how to enter on the Litopia colony website. Does it still exist? If so, could someone please share the link on to how to submit. Many, many thanks. Sally
  6. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: Finding a Literary Agent

    New blog post by Claire G Finding a Literary Agent If you want to be traditionally published, the chances are that you’ll need a literary agent. Their job is to sell your book to a publishing house and manage the ‘business’ side of things for the author, including contracts and royalties, and...
  7. BrianY

    Help Please! Another Comprables Question

    As that proposal re-do is shaping up, I'm seeing that the number one comprable is also looking like a great submission possibility. (University press with a new imprint specializing in the five boroughs of NYC.) Do I lead with their book? Bury it? Certainly, I can't ignore it. What's the story?
  8. R

    Help Please! Submissions

    Hey everyone! I hope this is the right place to ask: How can I submit my YA Paranormal Thriller to Redhammer? Thank you.
  9. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat Where to sell a short story

    I have just learned there are places that will pay you actual money for stories. Something Claire G knows already. This is apparently a good site to find those places...
  10. tyes

    Craft Chat Impressing with your pitch

    In the most recent Huddle South, @AgentPete suggested that for submissions to agents and publishers, that sometimes printed might differentiate yours from the pile, so long as its well presented (but not too polished!). I've heard bad exampoles of eople submitting in writing using perfume or...
  11. Katie-Ellen

    Sci Fi Writers of Litopia, submission opportunity.

    Seen on Twitter Deadline: June 30th, 2017 Payment: $5 per 1,000 words up front, royalties, and a contributor’s copy Other submission opportunities too. Horror Tree