
  1. tyes

    Craft Chat Character Voice for a Child's PoV

    In my completed story, the narrator identifies themself as "A child", describing past events in a 1st-person PoV. The time distance between the narrator and the events in the story is unknown until later in the story, which is linked to one of the story's reveals. The child's speech and inner...
  2. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat From the guy who wrote Fight Club

    Useful tips. 1. “Instead of writing about a character, write from within the character. This means that every way the character describes the world must describe the character’s experience. You and I never walk into the same room as each other. We each see the room through the lens of our own...
  3. Rich.

    Intrusive narrators...

    This is a question about intrusive narrators in modern novels. An author might write something like this: He sauntered into the shop. There was no loo roll, again. He hunched his shoulders and glared at the shop assistant. Or they might write it like this: He wasn't one to walk anywhere. I...