
  1. Katie-Ellen

    Dandelion Break A Robin's Seasonal Tarot Tale

    Yuletide greetings. Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays. Tarot lends itself to a form of animal whispering, at least to an extent. There are many depictions of animals and birds in the Tarot. This is as it should be, and they form a great part of the human landscape and psyche physically...
  2. Katie-Ellen

    Poetry Sunflowers

    Sunflower stands and tracks the sun From Dawn until Apollo's Gone Towards his light, her body leant In upward focus, still, intent A patient and a hopeful eye In adoration of the sky Alone she stands in fields of fellowship Her hands oustretched yet with no strength to grip With countless other...
  3. Katie-Ellen

    Rabbit, Rabbit...

    "We got more rabbit than Sainsbury's" - well, writers, innit. The Chinese Year of the Rabbit (兔年 tùnián) Celebrated this new year throughout the Far East, we enter the Year of the Rabbit. This is a year of the black rabbit. Black represents the element of water in Chinese astrology. The...