
  1. Jonny

    The Huddle Huddle March 22nd - 5.00pm UK time (GMT)

    Hi Litopians, This week's Huddle will take place on Saturday as usual at 5.00pm UK time (GMT). As ever, you are invited to submit your WiPs for discussion and feedback from Pete and the collective. But not only WiPs. Query letters, book proposals, synopses and blurbs are all welcome. Also...
  2. Jonny

    The Huddle Huddle South March 5th - 8.00am UK time (GMT) please check your local time zone.

    Apologies for the short notice. This month's Huddle South will take place on Wednesday March 5th at 8.00am UK time (GMT). As ever, you are invited to submit your WiPs for discussion and feedback from Pete and the collective. But not only WiPs. Query letters, book proposals, synopses and blurbs...