
  1. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat From the guy who wrote Fight Club

    Useful tips. 1. “Instead of writing about a character, write from within the character. This means that every way the character describes the world must describe the character’s experience. You and I never walk into the same room as each other. We each see the room through the lens of our own...
  2. Rich.

    Where are you in 1st-person singular present?

    I always struggle with this, am always a little confused. First-person singular past – I made tea for the octopus – that makes sense to me: someone is telling me a story about their past. And a third-person narrator can be invisible – Jimmy opened the fridge – or a raconteur – Now, the fun, if...
  3. Rich.

    Intrusive narrators...

    This is a question about intrusive narrators in modern novels. An author might write something like this: He sauntered into the shop. There was no loo roll, again. He hunched his shoulders and glared at the shop assistant. Or they might write it like this: He wasn't one to walk anywhere. I...