
  1. Jonny

    The Huddle Huddle December 14th - 5.00pm UK time (GMT)

    Saturday sees our weekly Writers' Huddle, and at the bottom of this post, you will find a link to the Huddle Hangout Forum. If you wish to be included in this week's session, then simply post your name below (in this thread) with an optional message along the lines of (Yes please. Count me in...
  2. Jonny

    The Huddle Huddle December 7th - 5.00pm Uk time (GMT)

    Saturday sees our weekly Writers' Huddle, and at the bottom of this post, you will find a link to the Huddle Hangout Forum. If you wish to be included in this week's session, then simply post your name below (in this thread) with an optional message along the lines of (Yes please. Count me in...
  3. AgentPete

    Service Update “Season’s Gleanings” – An Invitation To Write On A Seasonal Theme

    Here in the Northern hemisphere the feeble light is ever darkening and, quicker than you can say Jack Frost, it will be St Lucie’s Day; the moment in the calendar when the world's whole sap is sunk. I love that poem, I always return to it at this time of year. There is something atavistic about...