
  1. Pamela Jo

    News Poets/Short Storyists-comps for you
  2. Hannah F

    One Perfect Sentence The Mad March Challenge!

    Ok, it's me! Hannah! Your new mod for the One Perfect Sentence! As it's March, our theme is Marching. Why/When/Where/Who: Your choice in One Perfect Sentence. The rules are simple: Each entry must be ONE sentence only, as defined by the basic rules of English grammar. We will notice if you...
  3. Sarit

    Dandelion Break Writers of the Future?

    What do you guys think of Writer's of the Future? Did anyone submit here and get anywhere? I'm thinking of writing a short story for the next cycle....
  4. Pamela Jo

    News "Best Opening for a Crimie" Contest

    VAL MCDERMID JUDGES THE 2ND "CRIMEBITS" PRIZE FOR BEST OPENING TO A CRIME BOOK Ends on Thu, Mar 13, 2025 11:59 PM MAKE YOUR FIRST PAGE COUNT... Building on the successful book CRIMEBITS selected and introduced and judged by LEE CHILD, published as a paperback in the UK and USA November 1...
  5. Pamela Jo

    News Graphic Novelists-Opportunity Knocks at Puffin
  6. Pamela Jo

    News Maria Edgeworth ShortStory and Poetry Competition
  7. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat WOW Competition Critique

    Remember when Women On Writing had their free competition awhile back? I entered a flash fiction story I wrote for the old FF Litopia contest. They offer a critique which was interesting. It highlights that old problem of how the reader and a story create a whole different dynamic than you...
  8. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: One Perfect Sentence

    New blog post by mickleinapickle – discussions in this thread, please --- As you’ll know if you drop by the Colony between the 7th of each month and the 21st, we run a monthly contest between those dates in which you’re challenged to write One Perfect Sentence… It might be the first sentence to...
  9. AgentPete

    Fanfare! One Perfect Sentence - October Winners!

    I’m delighted to announce the winners of October’s One Perfect Sentence competition! This month, we made all the entries anonymous, so there was no possibility of favouritism. The votes simply reflected your own unfiltered perception of the entries. However, I’ve just unmasked the entrants, and...
  10. AgentPete

    Service Update This Month's "One Perfect Sentence" Contest is Open!

    Like some reanimated mutilated corpse in a giallo B-movie filmed by Dario Argento… It’s back! This month’s One Perfect Sentence is open. So is your mind. Let them communicate with each other.
  11. Pamela Jo

    Craft Chat International Prize: The Bluntwood Prize for Playwriting 2025
  12. From Our Blog

    Blog Post: AI – The ‘loom’ of our time.

    New blog post by Jake E – discussions in this thread, please --- I’ve been avoiding the subject of AI for a long time. I’ve tried to ignore it, tried to pretend it won’t be as big a deal as people are making out, and that it will find its place somewhere and make life a little less cumbersome...
  13. Pamela Jo

    Fanfare! A tiny trumpet trill- Thru to the next round of the Old Fogey SF Competition

    Hi Pamela, It's my pleasure to notify you that your submission has moved forward to the second round of jury deliberations for the SLF's Older Writers Grants. We hope to have a final decision for you soon, but we are currently working through a higher than usual number of applications. Please...
  14. AgentPete

    Dandelion Break Mine’s Bigger Than Yours

    Media coverage of the wreck of the Bayesian continues, bodies have been found and extracted, and now the blame game begins. Ninety-four rather less important people died in the same waters in one incident last year. Those deaths involved undocumented migrants and were therefore less culturally...
  15. Roz Morris

    Memoirists, poets, essayists... last chance to win a publishing deal

    Guys, I'm one of the judges in this small press competition. We're looking for memoirs, poetry collections and essay collections... and the winner will receive a cash prize and a publishing deal. You might have seen me post about this before... I'm repeating because the closing date is 1 July...
  16. David Newrick

    Fanfare! Northern Writers' Awards

    I have just found about these awards and thought I would let everyone know here about it. To be eligible you must live in the frozen wasteland otherwise know as Northern England. New Writing North state on the awards website - 'Writers applying for the awards must currently live full-time in...
  17. Emurelda

    WriteNow launched today by Penguin Random House

    This time Insight days are in Birmingham and Manchester. (UK residents only I'm afraid :( ) They are looking for 100 unpublished talented writers from minority or communities that are unrepresented by the publishing sector. I recommend applying if you have an almost complete MS that just needs...
  18. James Marinero

    New MediaWriting Competition

    Apologies if this has already been posted:
  19. James Marinero

    June Writing Competitions

    Apologies if this has already been posted - I couldn't find the search facility to check. Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity: 33 Writing Contests in June 2016 - No Entry Fees