
Pamela Jo
Pamela Jo
HUZZAH! I mixed mine with some of the wild garlic I fermented last spring and it worked as a good starter. Tip on wild garlic. Take the time to chop it up. It doesnt work like long cuts of cabbage that you can chew. It gets kind of stringy and hard to chew on its own when fermented. Think of it like chive. And the wild garlic here is already up. This spring going to try the nettle and wild garlic soup.
Hannah F
Hannah F
Your wild garlic is up? Here it is still tucked up under the cold ground.
Pamela Jo
Pamela Jo
Yeah, no blossoms yet-but definitely the shoots. We had such a confusing year for the trees and plants. A frost got a lot of new buds on trees and shrubs. Unfortunately a year like this means the slugs keep mating all winter. Expect a hungry horde of newborns come spring.
Vagabond Heart
Vagabond Heart
Why make sauerkraut when you could make kimchi?
Robinne Weiss
Robinne Weiss
I just bottled my sauerkraut last week. I've never had it fail, but this year was an exceptionally tasty batch.