
Pamela Jo
Pamela Jo
Better than a dead rat inside the walls. Glad yu figured it out. When I was trying to hatch goose eggs and knew nothing I decided to finally test one that had been "hatching" for about 6 weeks. You drop an egg in water. If it floats it's alive. It hit the bottom and exploded releasing the worst smell I had ever encountered. The dogs were immediately dancing around wanting a taste. Which is how I learned the secret ingredient in dog food is a kind of enzyme released by rotting protein. Chanel no. OHH LA LA to canines.
Rachel Caldecott
Rachel Caldecott
That's why my daughter's dog, Atticus, (and every dog I've ever encountered) will roll in dead fish or other such delights.
Better than a dead rat inside the walls
Can beat you on that one... try FOUR...?
Pamela Jo
Pamela Jo
That's called the dead man's hand in cards?
Rachel Caldecott
Rachel Caldecott
Thankfully I can't beat four dead rats. But we visited a rather eccentric brass instrument seller in Bath once. His house was filthy and crowded in a typical hoarder fashion. As we walked into the kitchen, he apologised for the smell, claiming there was a "dead rat somewhere."