
Peyton Stafford
Peyton Stafford
It's Daylight Saving Time. Why cannot governments around the world agree upon when to switch from one arbitrary time setting to another? Same reason people who want to be leaders cannot get along...

But I do not understand why the question is weird from a Swiss person. It's the same question everyone has. In 2023, how does this even happen?
Yeah, that Saving Time is annoying. Following the change, I spend days trying to figure out what time it is.
As to the Swiss reference, @Peyton Stafford , we Swiss have the reputation for being obsessive about precision time and punctuality. If a train is late by even 1 min, many passengers will frown; 2 minutes and the headshaking will begin; 3 minutes, the comments start.
E G Logan
E G Logan
Don't tell me you don't have a cuckoo clock? I remember I bought one for my mum in the most amazing cuckoo clock shop in Geneva. Summer time changeover must have been a nightmare.
E G Logan
E G Logan
Winding up time, too.
@E G Logan. Nope. No cuckoo clock. I've never known a single Swiss person who owned one. (Nor a married one for that matter either. - bad joke, I know. Not even a joke.) I think cuckoo clocks might actually be Bavarian.
E G Logan
E G Logan
The German colleagues on the (press) trip with me were amazed: they went to a beer cellar-type place instead of the clock shop. They said it was 'from the Black Forest', German not Swiss..