
Pamela Jo
Pamela Jo
What an avalanche of shitty times you are up against. Courage. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help. We're pulling for you and your family.
Dear me, Rachel, how worrying for you -and him. Do you have a special healthcare card or letter in a folder he can make reference to if he does call? Best to you x
Hannah F
Hannah F
Fingers crossed you're out of hospital nice and quickly :heart:
Hi Rachel, sending you lots of love xxx
RK Wallis
RK Wallis
At home again. Been poked and proded. Big tests okay, but almost 9 hours with food and one tenny cup of tea and left freezing. Probably made me worse. Tonight will be a challenge.
Speedy recovery, Rachel. Don't hesitate to go back into hospital if you're not feeling good.
Vagabond Heart
Vagabond Heart
Poor sweetheart, that sounds rough. Look after yourself as best you can. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
RK Wallis
RK Wallis
Living on paracetamol, ibuprofen, ventolin puffer for asthmatics, throat sprayer and steam vaporizer at my side, but a teeny tiny better. Glad I went to hospital yesterday :)
Vagabond Heart
Vagabond Heart
I'm living on digestive biscuits, time-release Vit C, and way too many box-sets. I admire you enormously. xxx
RK Wallis
RK Wallis
Pamela Jo
Pamela Jo
Hospital sounds the right call. Thank goodness they were up to it. Hope the whole family feels better soon.
No food, freezing, one tiny cup of tea? Disgraceful. No way to care for the sick. Especially someone already so frail.
RK Wallis
RK Wallis
Hospitals. The staff were lovely though ... when I saw them :)
i suspect the no food bit was in case of emergency procedures, ventilators or emergency operations. Better to have an empty stomach for that. No excuse for the cold though. I prescribe cake now and lots of it.
Glad to hear you are home, Rachel, you've been in my head a lot. Hope you improve quickly :heart:
Hi Rachel, do keep us posted about your recovery. Again, sending lots of love and blessings xxx
Nikky Lee
Nikky Lee
Ugh, that sounds awful, but glad to hear you're out of hospital. Wishing you a speedy recovery Rachel!
How are you today?
RK Wallis
RK Wallis
Still wheezing, coughing and sneezing, thx for asking. Dramatically, better in the morning than at night. Going to be glad to see the back of this!
Dorm Ant
Hope you are bearing up OK.