
Hannah F
Hannah F
When a project feels like that, it's good to walk away from it for a while. Do other writing even if it's just playing with the structure for a new story. Your mind will subconsciously keep working on your developmental edit, and you will tackle it much better with space and fresh eyes.
Yes, understand entirely. Hannah's right. I'm currently rewriting Dule, and I'm using Roz Morris' idea of the Beat sheet, which I type instead of write. DM me if you want more info as not sure how many characters I can get on this.
RK Wallis
RK Wallis
I actually feel it's a mistake to walk away. I'm seeing the story clearer than ever. It just feels a hot mess because it is on the computer, but in my head, it's not. I prefer the style in Stealing Hollywood (recommended to me by Lenora Ness, from Litopia, who trad published Black Drop) over Nail your Novel :)
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Vagabond Heart
Vagabond Heart
Repeat this as a mantra any time the self-doubt stick clobbers you…

I am not alone. Every writer feels like this at some point in their book. Yes it is hard. (Insert favourite swear word here)-hard. But I can do this.
