
I’d be interested to know how it works for you. They’re yet another org trying to monetize aspiring writers, which makes me cynical / suspicious. The stuff about “helping writers overcome the mental, emotional, and spiritual blocks that have kept them from achieving their goals” makes me even more suspicious! But there might be some good stuff there, too. Keen to know how it goes for you.
RK Wallis
RK Wallis
I thought about it, I think I'll try next month (or when I start querying - it'll distract me). I've read quite a lot of David Farland's writing books and watched a lot of him over the years, so I wonder if I'll find anything new? Time will tell :)
David Y
David Y
Visited their website and got down as far as this sub-heading: Writer Training Program's

Then for the fun of it, got down the bottom and read: Dave wants to help as many writers as he can. Dave’s’ training alone ...

And: Dave has trained hundred's of writer's become bestseller's!

Nuff said!
Hannah F
Hannah F
Had a look. You pay $30 US a month for members access (writing tips which you've probably read and videos). I didn't manage to see if you have to commit to a year. His training courses cost triple digits. He names JK Rowling and Brandon Sanderson as people he's worked with, but "worked with" is a very nebulous expression.
Stating that you’ve “helped launch the careers of or train…” JK Rowling is one hell of a claim to make. If so, then it should be plastered all over his website. If not, then her lawyers will come looking for him....
The only people of whom I know that claim to be true are her former (now deceased) agent Chris Little and her editor then at Bloomsbury, Barry Cunningham. Barry now runs Chicken House.

I’m really dubious now.