
Done - tomorrow is a no news day (although it will be a Saturday, 'cos we're a day ahead of most).
E G Logan
E G Logan
I reckon if I check the Italian news agencies once every 3 days or so -- just in case there's something I should know about or do -- and flick through the Daily Mail website every day, that'll be enough.
I am NOT going to watch Italian TV. Switched on yesterday for Culture programme Ulisse
E G Logan
E G Logan
Sorry, oops. ..... for Culture/Arts/magazine type programme Ulisse, only thing I look at bar Montalbano, to find... a special on Covid-19. No escape.
They're doing a special? No escape indeed, unless you switch it off now, look away, and cover your ears.
E G Logan
E G Logan
I did all of those things, plus naughty words and a glass of red.