Ah, bless you, Katie. Thank you for the card. (Insert hart emoji) The knot would be good for the story, I think, but it might fuzz things up for the reader if I'm not careful. Maybe it's a case of writing it in a simple way?
Llewellyn deck. When I got the deck out, the top card was the magician. It kind of resonated, but it was at the top, and from the last time I used the deck, so it's prob nothing. Anyway, I shuffled and a card flopped itself out, and landed face down, in the opposite direction of the others. Five of swords. It was nearly upside down. I never actually drew one though.
Keep: 7 Cups. Get rid: page of cups. And the 5 Swords flopped out. Point of stress there, unless describing crux of the knot (rage and frustration of an unwinnable battle). The knot is too woolly if you keep it as it is. But page of cups says retain whatever in there racks up emotional punch. Absent, the several swords cards saying CUT completely. The 5 says 'Do not get bogged down.'
Thank you very much, Katie. It kind of confirms what I've been thinking. The knot in theory helps to make the protagonist sink deeper (the unsolvable problem, another potential solution going wrong.) But at the mo it feels potentially confusing and 'wooly' like you say. The thing is, the knot 'provides' a dead friend and a plan that goes wrong (the bits to keep) ... Hmmm. I'm going go ponder how to do the knot.
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