Litopia’s Writers' Seminars give you the information you need exactly when you need it.
Writing is a long game. “Overnight success” is usually the result of many years’ hard work.
But it doesn’t have to be a long, hard, lonely grind. The journey should be as rewarding – and as enjoyable – as the destination itself.
Litopia’s approach to your development as a writer has three core pillars:
- Our Seminars give you a concentrated dose of timely, relevant and highly practical information. Available to you on demand 24/7, our ever-growing range of video seminars aim to deliver all the information that writers most need… but often can’t find. They’re concise, incisive and backed up by downloadable material as well as a test-yourself quiz. And unlike most recorded learning, if something isn’t clear, then you can easily seek clarification in our live weekly Huddles.
- Our weekly Writers’ Huddles give you the opportunity to interact with other writers globally and to discuss works-in-progress, cover letters, author bios, synopses… everything, in fact!
- And our Writing Lab gives you the chance to receive thoughtful and helpful critiques: with confidence and in confidence.
These three pillars are integral to the Litopia Method.
All of them are included in your yearly membership!

To access the seminars go to your Account Portal – you may need to log in first – and then choose “Courses” from the main menu. If you can’t see it there, you’ll need to upgrade to Full Membership.