Recent content by Zclesa

  1. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thanks very much, Lex. Pleased to meet you :)
  2. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    My mum's cat does that to her as well. It would be alright except he's a huuuuugggggeeee cat. In fact, he's so big, that they had to install a small dog-flap instead of a cat-flap in the door, as he kept getting himself stuck in the old cat flap. So I imagine my mum wakes up with neckache a lot...
  3. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thank you Rachel :)
  4. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thanks, Kirsten.
  5. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thanks very much, Paul :)
  6. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thank you for the welcome, Pete. I know what you're saying about goats. However surely the most stubborn creature of all has to be the cat. Just try and move one when it's made a nice warm spot on your bed, which you now want to get into. I have nearly lost fingers trying to remove cats from...
  7. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thank you. Clearly your eyes are excellently trained to bypass the non-chocolate versions of biscuits on display in the supermarket. That's almost a superpower. Well done. I believe some people do the "twist the end of the packet round" as a sort of resealing method. I have always found it...
  8. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Ah, this is where we got mixed up. They do indeed do non-choccy Hobnobs, which I assume were invented for people who drink wheatgrass juice for their main meal and then perhaps have a quarter of a Hobnob for dessert. I'm sorry that I defamed you by not realising that you were referring to the...
  9. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thanks for the welcome :) Hobnobs, really? They're like health food aren't they? No wonder you're angry. Has no-one ever introduced you to the wonders of decadent refreshments?
  10. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Cool! Yes, I should have specified, the milk chocolate digestives. My other half does insist on buying the plain chocolate ones. Why? Probably because he knows they won't tempt me. The choccy digestives are ideal for dunking, too. As long as you get the timing right. Otherwise, we all know what...
  11. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Oh, that's wicked. I'd love that. Although I'm slightly disappointed that you probably didn't know Lewis Carroll then.
  12. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Oh well you can have all the pink wafers then, Alix. I bet you like the coffee-flavoured Rose's chocolates, too, that always get left in the box. It's good to be different. Speaking of coffee, if you are putting the kettle on, I have mine black, no sugar. Very kind, cheers. Although, who has a...
  13. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thank you and welcome to you too! :)
  14. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Haha, do we have another Brit here? Custard creams and bourbons are great - as long as you eat them the right way. I'm sure you know what I mean: Pull them apart and scrape the fondanty stuff off with your bottom teeth and then eat the rest of the biscuit separately. I don't do "plain" anything...
  15. Zclesa

    My mother told me it's polite to say "hello"...

    Thank you, Barbara. Nice to meet you :)