
Beth Burgess is therapist, coach, freelance writer, and founder of several specialist services: She writes under her real name for non-fiction and uses the pen name B.B. Fitton for fiction.

ADDICTION AND MENTAL HEALTH: As an alcoholic in recovery, Beth specializes in writing about addiction recovery and all the issues that surround it.

Her recovery books include 'The Recovery Formula' and 'The Happy Addict'. She has also contributed two academic chapters to 'Addiction and Choice: Rethinking the relationship'.

Smyls.co.uk is a solution-focused service Beth set up to empower people who have suffered setbacks in life to move on and find happiness.

As someone who has recovered from addiction, social anxiety disorder, bulimia, self-harm and Borderline Personality Disorder, Beth has an empathy and insight that allows her to reach people in the darkest of places. Her therapeutic tools include Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Coaching, NLP, and Hypnotherapy.

WISDOM AND EFFECTIVENESS: After making a complete mess of the first part of her life, Beth set out on a journey to gain insight, so she could become a wiser, better, happier person.

By studying and exploring science, spirituality, philosophy, psychology, and sociology, Beth has been able to formulate new ways of thinking, develop her own insights, and transform her life.

Beth wanted to share the wisdom she has learned, so other people could learn to be smarter and make better choices, too. So she set up Wiseism.com, a resource to help people use wisdom to improve their lives.

Wiseism has spawned a series of books, including 'Instant Wisdom' and 'How to Create Your Ideal Life', both set for publication in 2018.

FICTION: Beth loves writing fiction, and has had a short story published in Litro magazine. She is working on two novels and more short stories in her (meagre amount of) free time.

OTHER: On her professional journey as a therapist and her personal journey, too, Beth has learned cutting-edge ways to deal with all sorts of issues from beating stress and mood disorders, to increasing the chances of achieving success, happiness. and fulfillment.

Beth has written articles for The Huffington Post, Tiny Buddha, the Royal Society of the Arts, The Big Issue, New Statesman and various other publications. She regularly writes on topics such as addiction, mental health, and what it takes to live a healthy, happy life.

Beth has also published a mini ebook, 'What is Self Esteem?'

You can always see what Beth is up to at bethburgess.co.uk.
June 21
London, UK
A Few of Your Favourite Books
Anything by the following authors: Samuel Becket, Mervyn Peake, Albert Camus, Ray Bradbury, Franz Kafka.
INSTANT WISDOM: 10 Easy Ways to Get Smart Fast (6 September 2018)
The Recovery Formula: An Addict's Guide to Getting Clean and Sober Forever (Paperback, ebook, Audiobook)
The Happy Addict: How to be Happy in Recovery From Alcoholism or Drug Addiction (Paperback, ebook)
What Is Self- Esteem? How to Build Your Self-Esteem and Feel Happy now. (mini ebook)