Recent content by Webbwalker

  1. Webbwalker

    Pets & the Coronavirus Crisis

    What a sweetie! Poppy is a Lakeland Jack Russell cross - how about your wee angel, and what's her name?
  2. Webbwalker

    Pets & the Coronavirus Crisis

    I know the feeling well, Barbara. Here's my pair of little 'angels' :rolleyes:, monopolising my bed, as they do, all the time.
  3. Webbwalker

    The Koonzt/Camus Thread (for writerly solidarity during a time of plague)

    Also, the virus can live on cardboard, paper, cloth and dust particles raised in handling cloth etc. - From John Hopkins Hospital: NEVER shake used or unused clothing, sheets or cloth. While it is glued to a porous surface, it is very inert and disintegrates only: - between 3 hours (fabric and...
  4. Webbwalker

    Fanfare! Sorry for this

    They are absolutely stunning!
  5. Webbwalker

    The Koonzt/Camus Thread (for writerly solidarity during a time of plague)

    I've been wondering the same thing, Paul, but we children of the seventies are battle-hardened; we can handle the odd power cut, and a bit of aggro in the sugar aisle. ;)
  6. Webbwalker

    Audible has free stories for kids

    Thanks so much for that.
  7. Webbwalker

    The Koonzt/Camus Thread (for writerly solidarity during a time of plague)

    This has been in my head for days. :D
  8. Webbwalker

    The Koonzt/Camus Thread (for writerly solidarity during a time of plague)

    Could it be that the Italian virus has mutated, that it's a diferent strain?
  9. Webbwalker

    The Koonzt/Camus Thread (for writerly solidarity during a time of plague)

    I can't help being reminded (on an almost hourly basis) of the old Mitchell and Webb sketch about 'The Event' and the constant warnings to 'Remain Indoors'.
  10. Webbwalker

    Reading while Self-Isolated

    I re-read it pretty much every year. It never gets old. That and the Molesworth books.
  11. Webbwalker

    Reading while Self-Isolated

    If we're looking for a laugh, I'd add Diary of a Nobody and Three Men in a Boat. 'Who is Tom Baker' is probably the funniest book I've ever read.
  12. Webbwalker

    Reading while Self-Isolated

    I've just got the audiobook. I'm waiting to finish the book I'm on before starting it. I can't wait.
  13. Webbwalker

    The Koonzt/Camus Thread (for writerly solidarity during a time of plague)

    This is a great thread. Keeping us all grounded. The reason I've not been very active on Litopia of late is that, for the last several months I've been pretty poorly with repeated chest infections which have now caused part of my right lung to collapse. I was supposed to be going to my local...
  14. Webbwalker

    The Koonzt/Camus Thread (for writerly solidarity during a time of plague)

    Interestingly, it seems to be travelling along a fairly narrow latitude. There've been a few studies on it recently. Whether it will eventually spread out of this corridor and take hold beyond it remains to be seen...