Recent content by Tom's House

  1. Tom's House

    Saying goodbye

    There is much info on upgrading but none that I can find phone closing one's account and exiting Litopia. How do I do this?
  2. Tom's House

    Encyclopedia of Self-Punlishing

    At the end of a long career publishing fiction, memoir, biography, local history, etc. I have one more books left in me: The Encyclopedia of Self-Publishing. I have been fortunate enough to place my books without the services of an agent but for this last word I do need help. Old age is closing...
  3. Tom's House

    Chat-Up Lines

    If only someone had recommended this line to me in my youth I would've have much more successful social life: "tell me about yourself." It has always worked for me.
  4. Tom's House

    Flash Mob Joy

    A beautiful, wonderful prize. Thank you Paul.
  5. Tom's House

    Novel Openings, What's The Secret?

    Don't forget the power of style, as in The Sound of the Fury: Through the fence, between the curling flower spaces, I could see them hitting. They were coming toward where the flag was and I went along the fence. Luster was hunting in the grass by the flower tree. They took the flag out, and...
  6. Tom's House

    Lovely Ladies

    For Katie-Ellen, Rachel, Amber, Rainbird, Robinne, Nmlee, Sea-Shore, and so many more ..... From Tom Ladies of Loveliness Ladies of loveliness everywhere Especially those beside us here Delight our eyes, our hearts, our souls. We hold you close and dear. Make no...
  7. Tom's House

    Copy Editing

    I write for publication but do editing for a living. What I charge the author is directly related to the state of the manuscript he or she submits to me. Some manuscripts are in pretty good shape to start with, and these will merit a fee at the lower end of a sliding scale. Others require much...
  8. Tom's House

    On self-doubt

    As usual I am own worst enemy as I work on my latest fiction, The Editor. It doesn't matter that people I admire have complemented my work; that I have published other successful books; that I have had things featured on the front covers of important magazines. What matters is that in my own...
  9. Tom's House

    No talent for proofing

    Somehow, no matter how hard I try, my proofreading comes up short. I was reminded of this, unhappily, when the first 700 words of my new novel The Editor was on Pop Ups last weekend. Rich did a beautiful job reading the text, glossing nicely over the errors as he encountered them. I read my...
  10. Tom's House

    Getting Gooder At Writing?!

    My writing is going very swell.
  11. Tom's House

    Keeping It Fresh!

    If I spent as much time writing as I spend worrying about whether or not my stuff is any good, I would have completed dozens of novels by now.
  12. Tom's House

    Help Please! Need translation

    I want to use these four lines from Alfred de Vigny's poem La flute in a book I am working on. with the exception of the last line, which is clear, the passage is difficult for me to translate. I am reasonably fluent in French and fairly widely read in that language, but I can't quite get...
  13. Tom's House

    Help Please! Pop=up info

    Now that I have managed to upload my 700 words to pop up submissions, how do I know if my stuff is accepted for discussion and if accepted when it will fit onto the schedule. And thanks for all the help I've gotten with this.
  14. Tom's House

    Help Please! Pop-up Help

    PDF file with Chrome browser worked.
  15. Tom's House

    Help Please! Pop-up Help

    Do you get an error message? No If so, what is that error message? If you don't get an error message--what happens instead? Little circular arrow goes endlessly