I use chapter titles as subheadings in my word document so I can easily navigate from one to the other (when editing out of order) using "navigation view". However, the answer to your question is it's totally up to you and your story. It won't...
i use them for one of the same reasons as @Aethalope - I use Scrivener. Not sure if I'll keep these ones. I've played with them and without them on previous books. I'd say I'm on the fence :) What do your comp title authors do?
That's a great way to look at it, and will keep it in mind foe the future. I do think at the end of the day it's probably an editing job and not a writing job. It's tough when you're constantly seeing creative options to slow down and consider...
The way I look at subplots is best explained by looking at theme. Rather than me say, "this is how you do it," this tactic might throw up ideas that let you solve the problem how works for your novel.
This vlog could give you ideas how to...
It seems everyone is missing the point. An author uploaded an ePub to Amazon. He SELLS it for let's say 10 Euros or Dollars or whatever. I don't have a Kindle. I don't want a Kindle and I'll NEVER own a Kindle.
I download the ePub to my laptop...
James Charles, Jousting was the football of the time. The way an unknown could become rich and famous.
Wizard of OZ was supposed to be written about the US politics of the time. My state of Kansas was in the middle of it at the turn of the last...
Ha! We were watching a murder mystery and a character on the show said, "Hey Google, how do you dispose of a body?" Our Google on the counter behind us answered the question. Now it's in our search history. When will the knock on the door come...
I wonder if it's actually a FB thing. I don't do any social media at all. (My sociability on Litopia is quite out of character and has come as a total surprise to me!). Husband does a lot of facebooking, and I think this is where he gets all...
WTH that's a real thing? I only use my phone for phone calls and my social media is not in my real name. Never liked the idea of putting my real info out there. I do everything I can to feck up the algorithms on FB so I'm still on there but...
That's been happening to us too. Although it's my husband's phone, not mine that picks stuff up and advertises the same things to him. My privacy settings are more robust. He thinks I'm paranoid telling him to block any ad that comes in. It's...
It's so bloody underhanded.
If I hadn't only recently bought a new computer, I'd be doing the same Pete. Invaision of privacy and all that.
I'm paranoid enough when I'm talking to my wife in earshot of my phone about getting a new bin for the...
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